中国临床肿瘤学会核医学专家委员会, 中国临床肿瘤学会甲状腺癌专家委员会, 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会甲状腺疾病专业委员会, 中国人口文化促进会甲状腺疾病防治专业委员会
Expert consensus on management of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in children and adolescents (2022 edition)
Expert Committee of Nuclear Medicine, Chinese society of Clinical Oncology, Expert Committee of Thyroid Cancer, Chinese society of Clinical Oncology, Committee of Thyroid Disease Society, China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care, Committee of Thyroid Disease Prevention and Treatment Society, China Population Culture Promotion Association
中国癌症杂志 . 2022, (5): 451 -468 .  DOI: 10.19401/j.cnki.1007-3639.2022.05.011